Black holes

Black holes

Black holes form from the stellar cores that remain after stars have exploded as supernovae. If the remaining core is greater than about three solar masses, it contracts to form a black hole. Black holes are characterized by their extremely strong gravity, which is so powerful that not even light can escape; as a result, black holes are invisible. However, they can be detected if they have a close companion star. The gravity of the black hole pulls gets from the other star, forming an accretion disc that spirals around the black hole at high speed, heating up and emitting radiation. Eventually, the matter spirals across the event horizon(the boundary of the black hole), thereby disappearing from the visible universe. 

The real image of black hole is captured on 10 April  2019.this black hole exist in galaxy gargatuan elliptical galaxy messier 87, and M87 53 million lights year away. Name of black hole is M87*.M87* conains 6.5 billion years ago. 

The name of a black hole that is mid of our galaxy is Sagittarius A*.which is very massive that's why our galaxy revolves around the black hole. The image is captured with the help of radio waves. 


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